I ghosted, now I regret it
I have ghosted a lot of people. Let me back up by saying what ghosting means. So you're not confused. Ghosting is defined by Urban Dictionary as; When a person cuts off all communication with their friends or the person they're dating, with zero warning or notice beforehand. I've ghosted a handful of people. More like hundreds. I just stop talking to people, it is a bad habit that I've developed since high school. Lately, I have been regretting a few of those lost friendships. A few friendships that were so nice and ended with silence. That silence is secretly killing me on the inside, I have been feeling a lot of regrets lately. I've come to a realization that I should either suck it up and let those friends disappear and completely forget about our memories together or I can make things right. As I rekindle and start rebuilding friendships again, I am going to let you all in on this journey. Have you ghosted or have been ghosted?